
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Local Government in Action >>> work and work and he realy worke alot....

Robert 'bobby' C. Eusebio
city mayor (pasig city)

“We found that the most exciting environments, that treated people very well, are also tough as nails, excellent leader provide two things simultaneously: tough government and very supportive constituent.”

Let their Accomplishments Speaks for them.

Some insights; in others opinion Pasig City has a lot of difficulties in the past but now in time of Hon. mayor Bobby Eusebio for almost 4 years heading the city it shows the visibility of great changes as a whole.
By being a front-liner and a thinker on how to resolved all those obstacles, by facing all the challenges, made a quick decisions, seeking different remedies, all things that came up in his mind made the best result that will benefited most of the constituents lived under his wings...

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